Lucia D

I began to cry where was PEPPER my cuddly CROCODILE.sadly, I couldn’t find her any were and that means I can’t go any where .My whole life I’ve never lost Her what if I can’t find her ever again? or maybe I just FORGOT where I put her,I could not bare to not be able to cuddle her SOFT long tail and not be able to see her beautiful light ORANGE face again..

I got pepper when I was born and she’s bean my BFFs ever since we go every where together.that small cuddly toy can make a big difference…

2 thoughts on “Lucia D

  1. This is a great use of the prompt words Lucia! You use some fantastic describing words in the story too. I love the way you end your story with ellipses (…) this is a very clever way to leave the reader wanting to know more. Well done!

  2. Hello Lucia,
    Well done for entering this week’s 100 Word Challenge.It was a strange collection of words this week and you have done a superb job fitting them all in. You have done a good job including some interesting adjectives and different punctuation. Remember question marks for questions. If your read your work aloud to yourself you can spot where different punctuation should go.
    Keep up the great work.

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