Jamie p week #27 100 WC

My ultimate adventure.I was dropped off by the helicopter to survive on my own  with hardly any water and food after I run out  I have to find food on my own. To survive I am going to have to have to make shelter and encounter the dangeroust of creatures.Today was my first day of adventuring it was really fun cutting through vines and branches I had to find food now .I was really scared of all the creatures that could hurt you really badly I was so tired so I had to go to sleep it was there…

Will 100WC week 27πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž

When I was 14 that’s when my ultimate adventure began. Climbing, swinging and more climbing. Having to swing through trees and nearly dieing of starvation. My adventure started when I crashed the aeroplane on the way to Greece to this day I still don’t know where I am.  Slicing vines, chopping trees and surviving are all priority. After, collecting the things to hunt that would be my day. Hunting, hunting is the key.

Lara 100WC week 27

It all started that fateful night.

Today was the day . The day I went out to sea . Three months of adventure. We took off later that day , not knowing what was in store for us.

Later that night a storm hit … The rough currants ripped apart the bottom of the ship , drowning it in water .  Lightening struck , thunder roared and sky’s turned black . The water sucked us down into the depths of the sea .  I found it hard to breathe as water kept filling my mouth . I was struggling to keep myself up .  Would I ever find land or safety again? Was this the end of my ultimate adventure ? 

Rachel 100wc week 25

Remember that day, remember that night, that night when my life changed forever. Like warriors fighting one another, I furiously swam through the green dangerous abyss waters of Gronta river. As I delved underneath the water I grabbed onto a horse chestnut tree. A throbbing pain filled my head. I seen it… But it was stuck, stuck under something that looked like a pipe. Carefully I pulled with all my might but it was no use. I had to get up on to the surface. That’s all I remember. Than I relized that I was in the river. Slowly drowning… 

Grace week 27100Wc

Bang wachi g every thing next to me get stepped away seeing people crying and choking made me feel as if I was not owing to make it. Then I found a tree I helped some people up but there wasn’t eny room left. I heard a baby crying not long from here so I jumped down I went to see if I could find the baby. Then I found the car there he was he was adorable I rushed back to the tree but when i got there I did not see a tree I was lost every thing was happing the baby was crying I was lost there was nothing nothing at all .

Caitlin 100 wc week 27 my ultimate adventure

So it all started when I was coming back from holiday on the plane. The pilot looked bewildered about where we were going , everyone was cautious that the pilot was not sure where he was taking us. Suddenly the airplane took that sharp turn that makes you stomach rattle like crazy, the whole plane just dropped as fast as possible every was was screaming and crying. Crash !!! we fell to the floor like jelly . We were surrounded in fire,  every thing was fire. The windows were breaking inwards with all the heat and people couldn’t stop screaming. I am so lucky unlike some people that died …

Joe 100wc week 27

My ultimate adventure , trudging through the vast land that is called Amazon. Looking for the Wiki tribe was going to be hard. A machete, water bottle a backpack and a rope was all I had . Suddenly fear coiled like a surppent in stomach as branches shaped bang! , boom! . A breath crawled down my neck as  I slowly turned my head behind me. A full tribe gathered around me as they hissed like a snake at me as if I was an intruder. I swung my machete at the tortures people. Self defence was the only option until it sprung to mind I have found the legendary wiki wacky tribe. My mouths dropped with amazement.

Jadyn 100 WC week #27

Family. The only thing I had left. How did it hit unexpectedly? I thought we had radars for things like this? It happened late last night while I was a sleep. I was awoken up off my parents screaming as they woke up from their window smash. We hauled our body’s to the bathroom and huddled up on the floor hoping to survive. A few hours went by and my dad peeked out the broken window only to see masses of destruction caused by the storm. My ultimate adventure starts right now! Will we ever find salvation? Will we find survivors or civilisation again.

Jamie week27 100 WC

My ultimate adventure. That’s what I’ll call it. It all started last night when I was sleeping in my boat from travelling when I felt my bed rocking back and fourth. Filled with curiosity I raced up the stairs and to my amazement I saw… A colossal whirlpool sucking in gallons of water every second and now it was sucking in me. I had to act fast. Quickly I rushed down the stairs and immediately stepped on the engine. Using all my boats power I sped through the waves but it was to late…

Emily 100WC Week 27

I can’t wait to share with you a story I have kept secret for so long, my ultimate adventure in the depth of the underground.

Darting over the mountains, I was running as fast as I could to escape the terrifying gunmen. Suddenly, I saw a huge black cave hidden in the face of a rocky hill. This could be my only chance to survive so I sprinted towards the entrance. As I entered, a shiver spread down my spine but I carried on running, dodging the stalactites and stalagmites descending on me from the ceiling and floor. The space inside got tighter and tighter until I could only just wriggle through on my stomach. Frantically, I slithered along the slippery surfaces of the rocks, not knowing whether or not the men had made it into the cave after me. Still, I didn’t hesitate to carry on. Gradually, the space inside the cave grew larger until I could once again stand up. Suddenly, the rock behind and the one infront shifted to trap me. I screamed and a high pitched squeal replied…

Hannah 100 WC week 27

I stormed into the house after a ruff day at school. “Mam dad, I’m home!” No answer. I scanned the house and still no sign. I decided to just wait until they get back home, so I wandered of to my room to watch tv. All of a sudden I heard the back door and a shot of relief rippled down my body ( thinking it was my mam and dad) . BANG! SMASH! I zoomed downstairs to see what all of the fuss was about. All the furniture had been turned upside down and then I felt a pair of grubby hands cover my mouth . I tried to scream. Then within a second I was plummeted to the ground. Lights off. When I finally opened my eyes I was tied up hands and feet In a dark room. Loud footsteps came through the corridor. I had no escape. We’ll that was what I thought. I spotted an open window and I instantly wriggled out of the rope. I sprinted to the window. Still shaking , the door opened. This was the beginning of my ultimate adventure…!

Lauren 100WC week 27

Home. I can’t think of a better place than that. But I needed to. Could I? Yes, I must, I can’t live here anymore, it’s too dangerous for people like me. This will be the start of my ultimate adventure. The reason I was running away was because there had just been a cautious earthquake. Deconstruction took over my house and there was no way I could fix this. Running away was one of the most risking things I have ever done in my life. However, I didn’t have a choice, this was daring, but I would definitely get my freedom. Leaving home.

Chandana and Lucia : Trip to the moon🌚


“One small step for a girl, one giant leap for humankind!”

Looking down at the Earth,it felt as if I was the queen of the Universe. So this was what it felt like to be on the moon.I was over the moon,no literally I was.l was weightless,jumping around the empty atmosphere. Mesmerised by the exhilarating view of a whole new planet. Imagine being the only child to ever experience this, well at lest the first. A once in a life time opportunity and I’m the only one who got to live it. 

Holly A “Fabulous Adventure!”πŸ™ˆπŸŒΈ

I screamed… with joy “I’m so happy I’m going to Florida today! I can’t wait!” My brother screamed whilst jumping up and down in the airport.

“Calm down! I’m excited too but I’m not causing chaos at the same time!”.

“But this is my ultimate adventure!” My brother mumbled 

8 Hours Later…”The flight is over time to land” The cabin crew stated excitedly. They passed out sweets to suck on to help your ears while going threw the turbulence.

“There’s nothing else I love more than turbulence!” I said sarcastically 

“There’s a problem with landing…” The pilot screamed😱

Chester the cheeky chimp! πŸ’

Once upon a time, there was a monkey called Chester,
and this is his story 😎

Chester said “Come on Judd (his career and long time friend) lets go! I’m going to have MY ULTIMATE ADVENTURE!”

So they did… 😧

“WOW!” Said Judd so amazed.
“Look at the beautiful rainforest.” Claimed Chester.

My ultimate adventure by Leah m πŸ™ŠπŸ™ˆ

I stood. Admiring the beauty of the Swiss mountains as their snowy caps reflected the rich, ebony sky. This was going to be my ultimate adventure, a quest, a mission. I started to ascend through the rocky ups and downs of the alps, sweat starting to break and dribble down my forehead like a broken drainpipe. The sun started to go down as it released a new world of starry skies. I was nearing halfway when suddenly, I heard a deafening scream. ” Cathrin! ” we all shouted as our leader hung desperately on a ledge ” hold on!” But it was too late… She fell into the cold endless valleys of the hill.

Matthew W πŸ˜ƒ My ultimate adventure…

My ultimate adventure had begun, I was alone, alone with no-one to help me if anything went wrong. On the main road alone, I sped alongside the lambigini on my right and a lorry on my left however I was in a weak but fast car. We were going at the same speed but the truck hadn’t spotted me so he started going into my lane bumping me into the lambigini. I tooted my horn to tell them to stop as my car’s wheels were off the ground they halted and made me flip in front of the lorry and I never got into a car again after that incident…πŸ˜³β”β“β”β“

Killing dinosaurs

My ultimate adventure was about to start. I had to kill all dinosaurs in the universe, they were making a destructive mess and the dinosaurs are making humans extinct, I found a triceratops so I shot it in the face. Secondly, I found a t-Rex and I threw a knife from long range. After we went through the jungle, I saw a place covered in snow and I saw a yeti charging at me. I slid under him,  plunging my knife into his belly, as I kicked him of the cliff I heard a loud roar so I shot him as he fell. 

My ultimate adventure yet by Charlotte H

Today I was going  on my ultimate adventure. I was meeting my new brother, my dad told me what it was. I was so excited because I had woken up from my sleep at my grans house,when my dad came up the hall,in his hand he had a top saying I am a big sister with a  badge as well. I got in the car with a big smile on my face not being able to wait to meet my very cute little brother . After what felt like a decades I was at the hospital where my little brother lay, he was so cute.           

Sam😈 and ThomasπŸ˜‚

As I entered one of the most harsh radical Costa Rican jungles, snakes from high above stalked me as I set up camp.  Suddenly, I got a spark from the Flint and steel and the next thing I knew, the fire got going and the light from it spotted red poisonous dart frogs intruding my camp. As fast as lighting, I pulled out my razor sharp pocket knife and instantly I had my supper.

The next morning, I woke up to a gigantic boa constrictor lying across my chest, without any movement I grabbed my machete and then… This was my ultimate adventure. πŸ˜±

Dominic and cailin.

Pen in hand, paper on desk, the test was about to begin. It started ordinary
but as the pen touched the paper, my head hit the concrete floor. As I woke up I looked around. I wasn’t in the classroom but instead I found myself battling through the thick, slimy moss covered vines. I fell to my knees and that’s when I came across a stone temple. My curiosity got the better of me and I couldn’t help but to know what lurked inside. I reached into my back pack for the remaining half bitten sandwich. My ultimate adventure… Was all just a dream.

Lily R & Holly G

Nervous and worried, I knew this was going to be MY ULTIMATE ADVENTURE. Until something hit me so bad causing my legs to collapse in agony all I could feel was pain, just pain coiling through my body like a serpent ,then suddenly without warning I was out, out cold… The next thing I knew I was trapped, trapped in a forest but not an ordinary forest, it was all most as if the forest was alive. I would never know what was lurking around here until I explore so I set off on an adventure hoping to find something interesting, but then it was there, my worst nightmare…

Holly A & Charlotte H

I was on top of the worlds biggest mountain ,the GREY mist surrounding me I felt like I was in a cage. I was in the middle of nowhere. All I wanted was to curl up and cry . Then I heard something… What was that ? It was a laugh like no other I’ve heard before. I spiralled around searching for the thing what was laughing historically. Then it emerged from the mist And I could see its beady eyes were staring back at me then I saw a MISERABLE HYENA with a mouldy SANDWICH in its right hand. I slipped falling down the mountain instead of my CLIMB.

Grace100Wc week 26th

Later that stormy night it came. Then I knew that it was the end of me. I tried to close my easy but as they turned the corner I heard them screeching at my door their he was draculur ! I turned and screamed but no one could hear me but then I could see the light i woke up from that nightmare again. As my mam came running in to see me their was something at the window it was covered in white and red then I knew .

Rachel 100WC Week 26πŸ˜ƒ

I never tried to get in trouble. It all just happened. Me and Daisy were on our way to the party until we pasted the house. The house that no one dares to enter. We entered not knowing that our lives would change forever. I placed my hands firmly on the door knob and crept in. As Daisy walked in the door slammed behind us. There was noises. Not normal noise I have ever heard before. As they turned the corner I saw them. I sprinted to the door but it was locked. Locked for a reason.

Emily 100WC Week 26πŸ˜„

Jess and Jasmine were best friends. They were very rarely seen apart. One dark night, the two girls were walking home for their dancing classes when they met an unwelcome surprise.

As they ventured through the alleyway, none of the girls noticed a faint screech from another street. When they got to the end, the screech grew louder and the girls finally started to doubt their safety. As they turned the corner, they were shocked to be approached by a mysterious hooded figure. They backed away but the figure only followed them. It revealed a pair of white bony hands that reached straight for the necks of the two girls. As they gasped for breath, they attempted a quiet scream. No answer. Their life was slowly drifting away …

Will 10WC Week 26🐫🐫

Bullies. I hate them they come up to you and want to fight. It’s horrible really. I learnt that the hard way. First it happened to my friend. I tried to stick up for him but it just got worst they would keep punching until he was extremely hurt. It happened to me as well. I happened to be knocking on my friend to see if he wanted to play with me then all of a sudden a gang of about 6 came towards me. I ran down into a dark alley way to see that it was blocked off. As they turned the corner…

Joe week 26 100wcπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Tuesday man do I hate Tuesdays . The day I died of course. I was walking happily to my beautiful little cottage in Glasgow . People were being cruel to me. All of a sudden they turned round the corner ,fear struck me as bullets thudded into my body and I plummeted to the ground like an anchor . One little fall out led to unthinkable  punishments. Steve band was no more. Bang bang boom the sound of the gun went that late afternoon . Dragging me like a rag doll into a ditch in the ground were no one could see me ever again.

Caitlin 100 Wc week 26

As I approached the room the bullies stared at me they done that hard evil laugh that makes me feel like I am being stabbed right in the stomach and my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I ran out of the room as fast as I could using all my breath. As they turned the corner I screamed as loud as possible… But no one heard me…. I turned around and there they were , my blood was boiling so much that I was shaking.This might be the end…..

Jadyn 100 WC week #26 πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‚

As I sprinted down the path, away from it, rivers of sweat dropped off my face like a water fall. It was a dark figure all in black was chasing me. 2, 3, 4 how many of them is there? I kept trying to shake them off me but I couldn’t every where I went they they would catch up. Is this my end? I haven’t even had time to say bye to my parents. I turned right, wondering what I done to them, and ended up in a dark alleyway that was a dead end! As they turned the corner one pulled out a gun and… I woke up from my dream.