Hannah.R-100WC week 24

Once upon a time there lived an old man and women who loved to make cakes and biscuits. They baked the best smelling gingerbread man ever. She took the fresh ginger bread man out of the oven and he took a leap to the door and said “you can’t catch me because I am the ginger bread man.” Running towards the gigantic cow hoping to jump upon his back but no he to eat him so he ran away. Coming towards a river he needed a ride lucky there was a fox to wanted take him across. But instead  he stared to teach him how to swim.

One thought on “Hannah.R-100WC week 24

  1. Hi Hannah,

    I like that you have chosen a different Fairy Tale from most I have read, you have thought beyond the obvious choices. Just remember to re-read your work before posting, you have a couple of sentences that don’t quite make sense. Keep writing!

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