Archie-100WC week 24

Once upon a time humpty dumpty sat on a wall but he could not get down and the ground was to hot to touch. One day he fell and he smashed on the ground and turned in to a poached egg. One of the kings men saw him and he ate him but the king saw the man and he chased him.  He ran away and he ran and ran and eventually he got send to prison for eating humpty dumpty. But luckily he got put back together. The end…

One thought on “Archie-100WC week 24

  1. Hi Archie,

    Oh, no poor Humpty Dumpty! I can just imagine him smashed on the hot ground. I love how you describe him as a poached egg! It made me smile 🙂

    I’m glad there was a happy ending for Humpty.

    Thanks for sharing your writing with the world.

    Miss Crowther
    Team 100WC

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