Hannah 100 WC week 19

“So…em…what did you say you are?”
“I’ve told you. I’m lourexio and a magician !”
“Of course you are and even if your not you sure look the part!” Sniggered joey. Lourexio pulled out a peculiar stick out of his pocket however Joey cautiously backed away. All of a sudden the ground shuck,the trees rippled in the wind and all because lourexio waved the so called stick. Joeys eyes flickered and under him lay a bunch of flowers and more and more and… Boom . Zig . Crash. He opened his eyes to see no trees no rain and no houses! There was only waterfalls , magic and we’ll not were a 11 year old boy should be. Lourexio said it was part of the deal but Joey didn’t remember any deal. Lourexio waved his stick and Joey looked , but this time all he could see was a bright light?!?!

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