Nathan c

The Bridge

Happily, on the bridge I gazed upon its beauty.The river waved in and out like a serpent.The gleaming sun in the electrifying sky. It was extremely
Busy it was breath taking. The trees isolated the bridge in side there circle.I wondered if there was a an accident and the bride collapsed or it was a peer.I wondered.There was three vans right by the trees on the other side I thought they were ice cream trucks we went over but they were wedding vans because there was a wedding under way. This is breath taking

3 thoughts on “Nathan c

  1. Nathan, I love your descriptions of the river, very poetic.

    This is a very good piece, keep up the good work.

    Tom Smith (Team 100wc)

  2. Nathan, I love your description of the river, very poetic.

    This is a very good piece, keep up the good work.

    Tom Smith (Team 100wc)

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