Emily 100WC Week 3

I wandered along the wonders of the bridge, the crystal clear water shimmered in the beams of sunlight. The green grass glistened like emerald gems, making this beautiful atmosphere an experience I never wanted to forget. The heat was breathtaking and I glanced longingly over the edge, wanting the cool water so badly. I was sweltering hot, dehydrated and not thinking about where I was going, what I was doing. I began to daydream and I never noticed it happening. The banging and crashing didn’t wake me. I got back to my senses as the boat drifted away, only leaving half of the bridge behind… It’s been like that ever since.

2 thoughts on “Emily 100WC Week 3

  1. Hi Emily

    What a beautifully descriptive piece of writing. I can see how hard you have had to work to try to select the right words to create the right atmosphere and feeling.

    Super writing!

    Miss T team 100wc

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